Colon Hydrotherapy FAQs


Colon Hydrotherapy is not a cure, but a valuable procedure used to assist, the body for a wide variety of different colon-related conditions. By re-toning the bowel wall and improving colon functions, the entire body is able to function more efficiently.

We use highly filtered water which passes through two separate filters before being heated to the correct temperature. This filtered water is capable of absorbing and flushing more toxins out of the colon because of its drawing effect on solid particles, chemicals and other matter.

Enemas are good to clean out the sigmoid and rectal areas of the colon, which extend to about 1ft. A series of colon-hydrotherapy treatments can clean out and remove impacted material from the whole colon which is 5 ft long. Additionally, colon hydrotherapy promotes peristalsis and helps the colon muscles regain tone therefore assisting the return of regular bowel movements.

Laxatives empty the colon short term but are an irritant to the body. Therefore, the body produces a thin watery substance that goes through the colon and leaves behind impacted toxins and waste. Colon hydrotherapy uses pure water and does not irritate the body. One of the tremendous benefits is that it actually hydrates the body.

We recommend 12 sessions over a 12 week period. Two colonics’ the first two weeks and one for 8 weeks we following the initial session.

1. Toxins accumulate in the body as a result of stress and/or consuming too much acidic food, such as sugar, white flour caffeine and alcohol.
When the bowel becomes unnaturally acidic, it attempts to protect itself by secreting a glyco-protein substance that lines the entire intestinal wall. This is known as mucoid plaque. This substance is what makes it hard for the body to absorb vitamins and nutrients, which could result in chronic malnutrition.

2.When the bowel becomes toxic, it contaminates the blood, which in turn, spreads the toxins to the heart, lungs, brain, muscles etc as it is delivering nutrients throughout the body. In the end, the liver is left to deal with toxic blood, and after years of relentless toxicity, it will become sluggish until it will no longer function. At this point, the toxins will begin to collect in other parts of the body.

3. Disease will manifest wherever they settle. Overall, cleansing allows you to remove accumulated mucoid plaque in order to rebuild your bowel and your liver and protect yourself from disease.

When one feels the urge to eliminate and immediately honors the urge by a trip to the toilet, elimination is quick and painless and will feel complete. Stools are medium to light brown have very little odor and will break up in water.

A healthy bowel may have two to three bowel movements daily, depending on what you eat.

Please allow one and a half hours for your first visit, thirty minutes for the lifestyle consultation and one hour for your first treatment. Please allow one hour for each subsequent visit.

Colon Hydrotherapy is perfectly safe during this time, and will help decrease the cramps and the bloating accompanying the menstruation.

Colon hydrotherapy does not flush all good or bad bacteria out of the body. Once toxins are remove from the colon, the beneficial bacteria have a cleaner habitat facilitating their reproduction and multiplication, therefore achieving a positive bacterial balance.

When a regular diet of stimulates such as coffee, tea, alcohol, sugar and others are eliminated from your diet, some clients comment about having headaches, flu-like symptoms and even mild depression. At this stage of a detox, cleansing through Colon Hydrotherapy helps to flush toxins are out of the system, hence Colon Hydrotherapy is recommended with back to back sessions for the first two weeks.

This is due to the body discarding toxins which are removed from the tissues and then transported by the blood to the liver and then the colon for elimination. All symptoms generally pass by the third or fourth session of Colon Hydrotherapy. Clients often comment on their increased energy levels after the second session.

No, colon hydrotherapy is not habit forming. On the contrary, one of the features of colon hydrotherapy is the toning of the colon muscles, which helps in maintaining and resuming regular bowel movements.

The colon will probably never be empty, as it’s an organ in continuous use. As more of the impacted material is released clients comment on feeling the water enter higher regions of the colon without any sense of obstruction. The objective should not be an empty colon, but rather a well-functioning colon.

Only in the case of an impacted colon you may experience a slight discomfort. Some cramping may occur as the colon contracts to expel waste. Once the major impaction is removed, you will find the session pleasant and relaxing.

Your dignity and privacy is completely maintained at all times in the comfort of our calming and soothing private treatment rooms. During your bowel movement there is no odor with the Libbe Colon Hydrotherapy open system.

Colon Hydrotherapy is safe provided you do not have any contraindications (See Client Form for contraindications) and you visit a qualified practitioner which at a minimum is qualified as a Colon Hydrotherapist from one of the many associations worldwide. We do recommend always having colon hydrotherapy in a clinical setting especially if you suffer from constipation, bloating, irritable bowel syndrome or you suspect any digestive conditions. There are adverse effects and risks should you not be suitable or should the treatment not be performed correctly.